2 min read 0


What is Otome you ask? It is an adventure or visual novel games that are mainly targeted towards the female gamers. Lots of story and steamy romance.

3 min read 0

BR: Emily Of New Moon trilogy by L.M Montgomery

Lucy Maud Montgomery, created another and better-known representative of Canadian girlhood in “Anne of Green Gables” and all the subsequent Anne books, but Emily was closer to her own heart. Like Anne, Emily is a strong-minded, gifted, imaginative child, left alone and unprotected in a harsh world, who is taken in by adults who are at least initially cold and unloving. Both girls grow up amid the beauties of Prince Edward Island, both keenly sensitive to natural splendors and highly fanciful, not to say occasionally precious, about assigning names to lakes and trees and identifying spirits and fairies in their surroundings. Anne is an original and spunky girl, with a certain amount of talent for writing verses and romantic tales, but Emily is a writer.

2 min read 0

BR: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.

Yesterday being a rather gloomy and rainy Sunday, we decided to stay indoors and watch a movie. And that movie was Shawshank Redemption. I had watched it like 4-5  times now perhaps. It never gets old. 

Though I’ve watched the movie that many times but it never occurred to me to actually read the book of which the movie was adapted from. Yesterday afternoon, right after the movie I decided to look for the book and change that.Â