Welcome to my blog.
I am Shari. Born and raised in Malaysia and currently living in Hungary with my husband, daughter and a black cat. I work 9 – 5 weekdays with a non-profit organization and the rest of the time when I am not officially working, I’m a wife and a mom. I love to read and play the guitar during my free time.
Why blog? Alright, I have been playing with the idea in my head for a while now. I had blogs before. In fact I still have one in blogpot which I started sometime in 2003 which currently is inactive. So, I am not a total beginner in this. It was either life got in the way or I was just not in the mood. Why now and why here? I suppose a new platform feels like I’m just starting a new chapter. Going back to the first question, I have to admit, though the idea had been there for a while but being home more these days, thanks to the CoVid, had pushed me to finally get started.
This is just an itty bitty space for me on this gigantic internet world where I get to share about the books I’ve read, my guitar learning journey and a few other tit bits about my life.